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Dental Crowns in Epping

couple walking at sunsetWhile some see the need for a dental crown as an expensive, daunting task, we want to change that line of thinking! At Epping Family Dental, we’re proud to offer same-day, in-house crowns for patients of all walks of life. You can enter our practice and leave just hours later with an improved smile that we think you’ll love.

We are committed to providing the highest quality restorations, and we use only genuine IPS e.max® material.

What Are They?

Crowns, which are like caps or helmets placed over a natural tooth, are often used to help maintain the integrity of the tooth after a root canal. Other reasons include:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Teeth that are heavily filled
  • Broken teeth
The purpose is to fit over your natural tooth and provide stability and integrity, allowing it to function as your other teeth. Since it is custom-fitted, you can eat and speak just like normal. And it’s colour-matched to your natural smile, so no one will ever notice.

What You Can Expect

We have a state-of-the-art CEREC machine that allows us to offer same-day restorations, using an advanced resin material designed to last for years and be just as durable as your natural teeth.
After you arrive for your visit, we’ll begin the process by taking digital scans of your mouth, which we’ll upload to our CEREC machine. After about 40 minutes, your custom crowns will be ready to place in your mouth—once you approve them to ensure you love the look. When you’re happy with them, we’ll cement them in place, and you can leave with a brand-new, improved smile!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do they last? What happens if I break it? How much will it cost?

Schedule Today

Contact us today or use our online booking feature to schedule your consultation.

*Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Dental Crowns Epping, Carlingford, Sydney NSW | (02) 9868 6288