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Check & Cleans in Epping

Dentist and patient smilingMost dental problems are preventable. When you come in for regular checkups and cleans at Epping Family Dental, we can routinely screen for problems and concerns while they’re smaller and simpler to manage.

What to Expect

Your six-monthly checkup will take about a half-hour from start to finish. During your visit, we’ll perform a thorough evaluation of your teeth, gums and surrounding facial anatomy, including muscle tissue. If it’s your first appointment, we’ll also chart any existing restorations and gum levels to establish a baseline for future visits. If needed, we’ll also take a set of digital X-rays to screen for decay, periodontal disease and bone loss.

During your scale and clean, we’ll gently remove tartar buildup and stain, which helps reduce your risk of gum disease and decay between now and your next visit. Following your exam and clean, we’ll perform a fluoride treatment. Fluoride helps remineralise weak enamel and prevent cavities before they start.

Checkups are affordably priced at $198. If you have health coverage, you can enjoy a gap-free scale and clean every six months. If your health fund covers your check-up & clean for less than $150, a small gap payment may be required to cover the cost of your appointment.

Do I Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease causes loss of attachment tissues around your tooth roots. Left untreated, it will cause teeth to become loose or fall out on their own. Regular checkups and cleans help prevent gum disease or address it very early on. Regular care also makes it easier for you to keep your smile healthy in the years ahead.

Common symptoms of gum disease include tissue recession (long teeth) and bleeding when you brush or floss. If you suspect that you have gum disease or it’s been several months since your last checkup, be sure to visit our team of dentists at your earliest opportunity.

Schedule Today

Keep your smile healthy and radiant for years to come with regular dental checkups. Contact us today to book in.

*Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Check & Cleans Epping, Carlingford, Sydney NSW | (02) 9868 6288